Avazzia Service Request

Send service request information for prompt and faster service processing.

Service request information in advance of sending in your device

Service request information submitted in advance of sending in your device for service skips the line for fast and efficient processing.

Print a copy of your Service Request response email to include in with your device sent in for service.  Feel free to add any additional notes or information to the printed email response when sending in your device for service.

Avazzia, Inc.
13140 Coit Road, Suite 515
Dallas, Texas 75240

(T) 214-575-2820
(F) 214-575-2824

Business hours: 9:30am to 4:00pm, Monday through Friday

US FDA disclosure:

Avazzia medical devices are cleared as TENS for pain relief. The FDA has not approved or cleared Avazzia devices as safe or effective for any other uses.

Important safety information can be found online under the SUPPORT TAB under Safety Precautions.

The owner’s manual for each device also contains important safety information.

If you have a question about specific applications or uses not covered, please feel free to ask your doctor or a healthcare professional that uses Avazzia devices.

  • List of Trainers including healthcare professionals
  • To find a practitioner that uses Avazzia in their practice, see AvazziaNetwork.com


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