Professionals Who Use Avazzia

Use Cases for Healthcare Professionals, Veterinarians and Animal Owners
Professional devices are FDA-cleared for the symptomatic relief and management of chronic, intractable pain and adjunctive treatment in the management of post-surgical and post-traumatic pain.

Healthcare Professionals


Healthcare professionals are incorporating BEST technology in their practices.


  • Physicians

    • Neurologists
    • Orthopedic surgeons
    • Chiropractors
    • Naturopaths
  • Dentists

  • Physical Therapists

  • Athletic Trainers

  • Massage Therapists

  • Acupuncturists

  • Veterinarians

I had a severe fall in 1988 that crushed my left elbow, broke my wrist and did other damage. Even after the bones healed, the pain got worse. I was basically living on aspirin and ice packs. It was getting more and more difficult to continue my practice because it was increasingly painful to grip dental instruments. A patient told me about SCENAR technology and I did some research. I found an American company – Avazzia – that uses more-sophisticated technology in its devices than SCENAR. And Avazzia products are made in the U.S.

I bought a device, opened the manual and started treating myself. Two weeks later, the pain was mostly gone. After 23 years of pain, it’s unbelievable that the pain is gone. I now use this with dental patients who have atypical facial pain. The stories they share of pain relief are incredible.

John Bond

DDS, Endodonist, Fort Worth

Today, we had a female rugby player, a new patient from LSU, who suffered a neck injury last November. She started with a pain rating of 8/10 and severely limited range of motion. We treated her with (cold) laser and Avazzia BEST-RSI. The laser reduced her pain and increased some of her motion while the Avazzia took away the spasm and the remaining pain. Her pain was 0/10 when finished with treatment and had significantly increased cervical range of motion.

Tom Coplin

Physical Therapist, Baton Rouge, LA

As I look back, 2009 was a bad year for a lot of people, but it was looking like it would be disastrous for me. I have done massage therapy for years and thoroughly love what I do. I had (still do) a very good clientele and was very busy. The problem was my thumbs – both of them. The pain had reached a point where I was becoming depressed with the realization I would soon be totally unable to continue my work. I had tried many things to get relief and was desperate.

I had nearly given up hope when a friend let me try a device that uses microcurrent, electro-stim technology. I was stunned when, in just 15 minutes, the pain in my thumbs was gone. It stayed gone, and I had regained full use and range of motion in them both.

I then purchased an Avazzia device for myself because my right shoulder started experiencing intense pain and threatened to inhibit my work. Of course my shoulder pain disappeared and once again so did another threat to my career.

I now use the device to stay in shape and eliminate any problems that crop up from time to time. In addition, I have a number of clients who like it when I use the device on them during a massage session. I have found that using the Avazzia device on clients helps make my massage therapy even more effective. That helps make things easier for me and keeps my clients coming back for more. The bottom line for me is that without the Avazzia device I would no longer be a massage therapist. It changed my life.

Tod Ramsey

RMT, Cleburne, TX

I had a severe accident in which my left clavicle broke. After surgery, the pain was around an 8 on a scale of 10. Just four sessions of the BEST device from Avazzia was sufficient to greatly improve my scar tissue and dramatically decrease my pain. I decided to buy two devices, learned the technology, completed many courses in integrative and holistic medicine and psychology to earn my Naturopath license. I opened an office in Quebec, Canada, where I see clients and teach them how to use the technology.

Carl Berthelette

Naturopathic Doctor Science of Energy, Quebec, Canada

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  • Your name
  • Organization/Business name
  • Contact information – number to call for appointments, website, address, city, state, zip
  • Message:
    Please add me to the Avazzia Practitioners List
    License information – number, state, and expiration
    NPI number (if available)
    Brief description of services

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